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Jun 7, 2010

West Hollywood Wrecking Ball Tour

It takes a lot to get us out of our comfort zone. “What? You want me to walk? Are you high?” Ok, me more so than J. However, when charity is involved there is a good chance you can get me off my ass, and when good friends are involved it’s pretty much a guaranteed yes. Being an L.A. native I’ve yet to explore all the wonders that this vast city has to offer. Thanks to Roy and Allegra I learned something new about the historic homes of West Hollywood and their architecture. (I now know what a Dingbat is, aside from It was a great way to spend a Sunday – the weather was nice, the company was great, and the tour was fascinating. Plus, we helped raise funds for Solar The Sign. For a more detailed re-cap check out this Podcast by Peter Arpesella.

Narrative and Photo by Nikki Neil

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