Alas! We’ve reached the end of the fashion shows. I drank champagne, broke in new ankle boots, and became overly confident with taking “selfie” shots in public places. It was by far an experience that every boy and girl who changes a minimum of three times before going out should partake in.
My final outfit made me realize I’ve changed my mind on crop tops…I love them! They add just the right amount of edge to an outfit and it comes with a punch of self- confidence.
The turtle neck crop top was from my obsession - Hautelook. It comes with an extremely user friendly app that allows you to check out with one click. If your weakness is shopping this might not be the best app for you because Haute Look provides you with a variety of clothing with prices slashed by a minimum of 50%!
The olive green maxi skirt, which has two slits and float oh-so-pretty when you strut, was a purchase at the never failing Francesca's. I found the perfect black ankle boots at my other go to…Target, for $35. I’ve found that wearing ankle boots with maxi skirts work very well together. (even more so as we make the transition into the colder weather). Let me tell you, maxi skirts are a fashion life saver. They come now in a rainbow of colors and are extremely easy to dress up and dress down. Not to mention ladies…but, when you’re feeling a little…not so skinny…a maxi skirt hides that bloat!
Well, it’s been a pleasure and a journey being able to share just a sliver of my time at Fashion Week San Diego. Please stay tuned for a deeper look into some of my favorite designers.
Until next time my fashionable friends!
Melissa Moreno
Loved it!