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Feb 1, 2012

Blogger Flea Market at Space 15 Twenty

Sunday turned out to be a beautiful, sunny day in L.A. Perfect for shopping outdoors and Space 15 Twenty was actually the perfect location for the Two Point Oh! LA Blogger Flea Market.

Fellow TwoPointOh! LA bloggers cleaned out their closets and put some of their coveted wares out for sale. Designers selected by the L.A. Fashion Council—Alana Hale, Bryan Hearns, and Jen Awad—also sold some of their creations at bargain prices.

I scored this fabulous skirt by Alana Hale for $10.

And, picked up this great necklace by Bryan Hearns for $18.

This jacket from Jen Awad’s Fall/Winter 2011 collection was pretty cool, but sadly I didn’t have enough cash on hand to nab it.

As you can imagine there were a number of great finds in various sizes and styles courtesy of Kelsi Smith, Bethany Struble, OliviaLopez, Bebe Zeva, Chanelle Laurence, Melanie Lee, Ariana Cabral, and RebeccaLee. I scored a few cool pieces and could have easily gone home with an entire wardrobe.  

Myly of Vintage Grime brought some of her handmade jewelry from her Iconoclast line to sell.

Snacks and refreshments were courtesy of Pop Chips andVitamin Water and I Heart Pies served samples of their yummy treats. Of course I had to buy a slice for later. All in all, it was a fun event. Word is ther will be another on March 24th. We'll keep you posted. 

Narrative and photos by Nikki Neil

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