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Dec 18, 2010

The Organ Beats Release Christmas Benefit Single to Help the Animals

While many of us are celebrating with friends and family this holiday season, many of our animal brethren in shelters and other inhospitable places aren't so lucky. Waltham, MA's THE ORGAN BEATS have decided to extend a branch of mistletoe to these dogs and cats in their homestate with a Christmas song for charity this holiday season. All proceeds from the sale of "This Christmas" will go directly to the The Mission of the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals–Angell Animal Medical Center to protect animals, relieve their suffering, advance their health and welfare, and prevent cruelty. Feeling that their compassion was needed in this project, Ron Ragona (Spring Heeled Jack, Lost City Angels, The Murder Mile) and Nick Bacon (Lost City Angels, The Pilfers, Miss Derringer) added their musical touch to the song. 

"This Christmas" has been released via The Organ Beats’ BandCamp account (a site designed for selling digital music) and can be purchased here: Donations at the Bandcamp page (min. donation: $1.00) will go directly to the MSPCA, an independent organization founded in 1868.

1 comment:

  1. هناك أنواع من الحشرات تجعلك في حالة قلق دائم وتسبب لك التعب والخمول ويجب التخلص منها من قبل شركة لمكافحة الحشرات في جدة ولديها خبرة طويلة في هذا المجال
    ارخص شركة مكافحة حشرات


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