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Apr 7, 2010

Interview with Lea Barozzi - Painter, Illustrator and Graphic Design Artist (Project Ethos)

Tell us about your style and what influences your art?
My style is pop-surrealism. Other pop-surrealists such as Mark Ryden, Glenn Barr, and Greg "Crayola" Simkins, to name a few, have influenced me - especially, the lovely translucent glow-y skin that Mark Ryden achieves with his girls. I aspire to be that skilled someday. I am also influenced by music and books. I read a lot of sci-fi fantasy and often the words come alive in my head transforming into these beautiful images that I then must try to re-create.

Can you tell me a bit about the materials you use?
I work in Oils. Mostly oil on canvas. I have also recently scanned in some of my work and then used bits and pieces of the work to create pendent jewelry.

What has being an artist taught you?
That there is so much beauty and interest in life that you can pull from to create. I'm a bit of a dork and will stop and stare at a petal that has water drops on it trying to fix in my mind exactly how that looks so I can recreate it. I think I am more apt to view everything as pieces of art now that I create it myself.

How do you feel art, fashion, and music influence each other?
My art is definitely influenced by the feeling certain melodies invoke, or by lyrics that are so poetic they beg to be painted. I am sure there are patterns and color schemes in art that influence fashion, and art influences lyrics too. They all go hand in hand.

What artists do you admire?
Mark Ryden, Glenn Barr, Lori Early, and Greg "Crayola" Simkins.

What would you like to be remembered for?
OK, more dorkdom here...but while it would be awesome to have people love my work and be remembered for it I would most like to be remembered for being a good friend, wife, and mom. To me friends and family are the most important thing on earth - way more important then any accolades I could receive. I know…I am so uncool. I kinda made myself a little nauseous there, lol...

Where can people purchase your work?
In person at The Majestical Roof in Pasadena, CA and you can also contact me at or and purchase some of it straight through me or to see where I will be showing next.

Interview by Nikki Neil

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